Terms & Conditions
Hi Everyone,
Unfortunately over this last week we have decided to put in place deposits to be taken on large colour work. It was a tough decision to make but there are genuine reasons for us to do this.
Last Saturday for instance we had clients no show to the time of 10 hours in total. As an owner I still have to pay the staff for their time that they stand waiting patiently for the arrival of the next client.
We are a very reputable business and honour your deposit if in the prior 24 hours you need to cancel, this in turn will be refunded to you. We need certainty on large time precious colour work. In the end we all need to earn a living, and I hope you all do understand.
We rely on people arriving and keeping their appointments, and presently clients some of our best long standing ones are not arriving, we feel this is unfair so hence why have made this a new salon policy.
If clients are definitely coming paying a portion I believe is not an issue. We pay for many many things months and months in advance, we are asking for the deposit to be paid a couple of days prior.
I hope you understand but for us it is the only way we thought we can get clients to be aware of our situation. We have discussed it for a long time.
So the process will be that you are required as said above near the time of your booking to pay a deposit. If it remains unpaid we will call or txt and remind you. If you chose not to pay this then the booking will be cancelled, but we will advise you once again we are doing this. So plenty of reminders given.
Thank you.